Podcasts are Music for the Mind

I am getting a tonne of learning from podcasts right now.

I listen when I am travelling, exercising and waiting on my next delayed flight

Here are my favourites right now:
(in no particular order)

Oprah's Supersoul: gazillion interviews and insights (LOVE Elizabeth Gilberts, Julia Roberts, Gary Zukav, Pastor John Gray, Wes Moore, Sister Joan Chittister, Caroline Myss... to name a few)

Ellen on the go: a recap of the shows with the executive producers who are hilarious.

With love, Danielle: the kick-ass Canadian on taking things lightly and living deeply. Adore.

Another name for everything with Richard Rohr: I could listen to his voice for forever, soothing, insightful and heartfelt.

The Robcast: Rob Bell interviews and sermons. Love.


Don’t Listen for the Gun


Not This. Why Not?